Guide to Developing a Thick Skin to Deal with Critics and Criticism

Nahid Hasan
2 min readSep 30, 2021

Everyone dreads criticism and it’s inevitable to deal with at least some in life. Professionals and creative people in the creative industry are often exposed to criticism on a daily basis (Deal with Critics and Criticism).

Constructive criticism can help you make better work, but it’s hard to tell the difference between constructive criticism and outright hostility. It’s hard for us to know if we should listen or ignore critiques because of how they are presented or what is said.

Is your work exposed to critique? If so, this article will help you develop a thick skin that doesn’t break when exposed to critics, even if they’re harsh.

Steps to Building Your Thick Skin Armor (Deal with Critics and Criticism)

1. Never take anything personally

2. Distance yourself from the problem

3. Stay optimistic

How to Handle Criticism When It Comes Your Way?

Criticism can be defined as “negative feedback given to someone about something they’ve done”. Unfortunately, criticism is inevitable in any field of work.

The best way to handle criticism is to accept it, learn from it, and then move on. By accepting it, the criticism cannot hurt you anymore. Learning from it means understanding what you did wrong and why the critical feedback was given to you. And by moving on, you will not let the criticism affect your future work or decisions.

There are many ways that can help one handle criticism better:

- Consider whether or not your fault

- Find out what the root of the problem is

- Think about how one can resolve this problem

- Consider whether or not this issue will matter in future

Tips for Dealing with Haters Constructively

1. Listen to what they have to say. Sometimes people just need to unload and get their frustrations off of their chest. Don’t get defensive and don’t interrupt them.

2. Understand where they’re coming from. It can be helpful to know why someone is upset and try to understand their perspective. You might not agree with them or see things the same way, but it’s important that you understand where they’re coming from.

3. Acknowledge that you may have done something wrong. If someone has a legitimate gripe, even if you don’t think it was handled in the right way, apologize for your mistake or tell them how you would do it differently next time if given the chance.

4. Treat others as you want to be treated. So, be kind and compassionate.

This article provides a step-by-step guide to help you develop a thicker skin and be able to handle criticism better.

Originally published at on September 30, 2021.

